- Does your low-slope roof leak due to Ice Dams problems? Does your ridge vent leak, or did you have to completely remove the ridge vent to stop leaks? Poor ventilation and attic insulation is causing your ice dams, but now you can solve this problem efficiently and economically.
An IB PVC Membrane is a solution that will keep your home, probably your biggest investment, watertight and ice dams free for decades to come!

Ice Dam leaks and Poor Ventilation
Most low sloped roofs in the northern United States have Ice Dams, which cause roof leaks and expensive roof repairs as well as cosmetic interior repairs of ceilings, walls, carpets and wooden floors. Those are the damages that you can actually see.
Ice dams also create invisible structural damages, which you can’t find until you open up ceilings and walls. These damages are extremely expensive to repair, as it would require hiring interior remodelers to fix structural damages, outside and inside walls, electrical systems, plumbing, etc.
Ice Dams in a Nutshell
Ice dams are caused by poor attic ventilation and heat loss from the inside of your living space. Large piles of snow will accumulate on your roof after a snow storm. If your attic is improperly insulated and ventilated, the warm air escaping from your living area into the attic, will melt the snow. The water from melting snow will run down the roof and refreeze, usually along the eaves of your roof. These are Ice Dams. The more snow is melting the bigger Ice Dams you have. After some time, the ice dams become so big, that the melting water cannot travel downward anymore, so it starts to travel upward underneath the roof shingles or rolled roofing seams. As it freezes under the roof, warm air melts it, and it slowly starts to drip inside the attic, causing all of the above and below mentioned problems.
It becomes a vicious cycle were more heat loss creates more ice dams, which cause more damages to structural walls and insulation, destroying your home from the inside, increasing your energy-related expenses, and causing more heat loss, which creates bigger ice dams…
One negative effect caused by ice dams, and which many homeowners neglect to address is the wet insulation in the attic and inside walls. When insulation gets wet, you loose insulating value, so your energy costs increase, as heat loss in the winter drives up your heating bill. The same happens in the summer with cooling. Also, mold begins to grow in the attic and inside walls, which cause and/or aggravates allergies, asthma and other respiratory illnesses.
IB Membrane Solves Ice Dams Problems
An IB membrane is a perfect way to eliminate Ice Dams on a low slope roof, as it is a seamless blanket over the entire roof. Hot air welded seams prevent water from backing up and re-freezing, as is the case with shingles and rolled asphalt roofing, therefore eliminating the effects of Ice Dams. Also, most of the snow will actually slide off the IB roof, thus there will be a minimal Ice and Snow accumulation along the eaves.
Additionally, we’ve designed a special Ridge Vent system, which we use on every low-sloped roof with ridge/soffit ventilation in place. This system prevents the wind driven water from entering your attic space through the holes in the ridge vent, while allowing the warm air to escape the attic. Check out our special Low-Slope roof ridge vent assembly, which improves your attic ventilation and eliminates leaks!