Cool Flat Roofs offers installation, consulting, replacement and repair services for commercial and residential flat roofs using IB Cool roofing single-ply membrane. The benefits of IB roofs include long-term, leaks free performance combined with energy-efficiency and future upgrade options to roof-integrated Solar PV technology created by IB roofs and Uni-Solar.
IB roof, originally created to meet high demands of the commercial/industrial roofing market, is now available to home owners in New England. We provide a complete package combined with professional installation and personalized service to meet the needs of our clients, and we strive to surpass your expectations, while providing reasonable pricing.
Whether you have a house with a leaking flat roof or a business structure such as a shop, storage facility, office building, etc., we invite you to join the ‘elite club’ of our customers. We promise that we will treat your roof as our own!
If your flat roof currently leaks, we recommend that you take a look at our flat roof repair guide to get more insight into the options and solutions to resolve your leaks problems. To learn more about modern roofing technology, check out the Single Ply Roofing overview.
Getting IB roof installed for your home or business in CT:
We will closely work with you or your builder/architect to provide the best long-term roofing solution. We invite you to use our interactive roofing cost calculator to get an instant price quote to replace your roof. To schedule a roofing project in Connecticut, fill out the roofing estimate form.
Some of the Flat Roofs in Connecticut, that we have done recently:
Update: Feb. 13, 2009 – We finally implemented a roofing and construction blog, and all our job profiles will be posted there.
First in a series is a 50-mil residential IB Roof installed in Andover, CT
After a major leak of a 5 year old rolled asphalt roof occurred in a home-owner’s bedroom, a major rot damage and mold problem was discovered. Find out how the costs of water damage restorations and mold removal, moved this Connecticut homeowner to seek a permanent flat roofing solution, and why he chose IB Cool Flat roofing membrane.
From our customer:
Thanks again for a job well done. It is a good feeling to know that I won’t be dealing with water coming in my house any longer. You have good men working for you. They are very respectful and professional. The roof looks great!
Great Job! Thanks, Alex.
Picture galleries of older roofing projects completed in Connecticut:
Grey 80-mil IB Roof installation
Residential house in Wallingford, CT This house, located in the beautiful hills of Wallingford, CT sits below street level, so a Grey IB roofing membrane was chosen to replace an old asphalt roof. Now, covered by IB’s lifetime residential warranty, it provides permanent protection combined with great curb appeal. |
White 80-mil IB Roof
Residence in Old Lyme, CT A badly-leaking old tar & gravel roof was replaced with an 80-mil IB roof, providing a permanent solution and making this home in Old Lyme CT much cooler in the summer. A Slate-impression Metal Roof was installed on the mansard portion. |
Some of the Metal Roofs we have installed recently:
I’m bulding a new flat roof, 29×19 feet, 1/4 inch over 12 inch slope. I’d like to either build a deck on it, or use the roof as the deck. I filled out your estimate form. A roofer called me right away, but he didn’t know what IB or PVC roofing is! He recommended EPDM, and is getting a quote ready for me, but I want the IB PVC, maybe the Deck-Shield. Could you please refer me to one of your roofers in the New Haven area? Thanks, GH
Getting a metal roof installed is considered a great investment for your house. It requires minimal maintenance, it looks great and it will also increase the value of your home. Just make sure that you get the roofing installed by the best roofing contractors in your area so that you get maximum value for the money you put into it.
I have just added a small addition on my home in Cheshire with 14 x 18 plywood roof. There is only a 4 inch pitch and I would like an estimate for a metal roof in the shingle or long panel style. You can call me at 203-272-65xx
Hi ,
I am looking for installation of a metal roof on my home in Farmington CT 06032
860 305 26xx
2014 or 2015 need your advise on application.